Below are the interesting things to observe in Kanchi Kamashki Temple
- Vaishnavite deities stand in the main sanctum too-Vishnu as Kalvar and Soundarya Lakshmi (the beautiful one) on one side and Aroopa Lakshmi (the formless one) on the other. It is believed that all kumkum prasadam should be placed in front of Aroopa Lakshmi and only then handed over to the devotees, as she grants all their wishes.
- The Sri Chakra, on the ground in front of Kamakshi, is offered oblations and worship during all major daily pujas.
- Santhanasthambam, left of the main sanctum, is a silver plated pillar that marks the spot where Parvati’s midriffis is said to have fallen on earth.
- Pancha Theertham or temple tank lies on the west of the temple.